Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Voice For Men Is Full Of Misogynists Who Clearly Have Issues With Women & Not Just Feminist

It is apparent from reading some of the posts from the founder of A Voice for Men, Paul Elam, and other members like Johntheother that they are just misogynists who have serious issues with women, and they obvioulsy hate most women, and not just feminists. They regularly spew venomous hatred toward not only feminists, but women in general, in their articles and posts, calling them stupid, morons, conniving *******, and advocating violence against feminists and women including murder, and rape. They believe that some women deserve to be raped and are actually demanding it, and "begging for it" because of the way they dress and act.  Here are quotes from posts they have made that are proof of this. 

"You see, I find you, as a feminist, to be a loathsome, vile piece of human garbage. I find you so pernicious and repugnant that the idea of ******* your **** up gives me an erection."
" Or, we can treat these vermin as they deserve to be treated. Well, not as they deserve, because if these people actually got what they deserved the problem would be solved . . ."

"That’s it. In the name of equality and fairness, I am proclaiming October to be Bash a Violent ***** Month.
I’d like to make it the objective for the remainder of this month, and all the Octobers that follow, for men who are being attacked and physically abused by women - to beat the living **** out of them. I don’t mean subdue them, or deliver an open handed pop on the face to get them to settle down. I mean literally to grab them by the hair and smack their face against the wall till the smugness of beating on someone because you know they won’t fight back drains from their nose with a few million red corpuscles.

And then make them clean up the mess.

Now, am I serious about this? No. Not because it’s wrong. It’s not wrong. Every one should have the right to defend themselves. Hell, women are often excused from killing someone whom they allege has abused them. They can shoot them in their sleep and walk. Happens all the time. It’ll even get you a spot on Oprah, and cuntists across the ****-o-sphere will be lionizing you.

In that light, every one of those women at Jezebel and millions of others across the western world are as deserving of a righteous *** kicking as any human being can be. But it isn’t worth the time behind bars or the abuse of anger management training that men must endure if they are uppity enough to defend themselves from female attackers.

I will say this, though. To all the men out there that decided to say “Damn the consequences,” and fight back, you are hero’s to the cause of equality; true feminists. And you are the honorary Kings of Bash a Violent ***** Month. You are living proof of just how hollow “don’t **** with us,” rings from the mouths of bullies and hypocrites.

In the spirit of feminists everywhere, you GO, boy!"

"Do women ask for it?

I don’t mean that in the sense that they are literally asking men to rape them (though this clearly does happen outside the context of this post). What I mean is, do women who dress and act provocatively; who taunt men sexually, toying with their libidos for personal power and gain, etc., have the same type of responsibility for what happens to them as, say, someone who parks their car in a bad neighborhood with the keys in the ignition and leaves it unlocked with the motor running? . . .

In that light, I have ideas about women who spend evenings in bars hustling men for drinks, playing on their sexual desires so they can get **** faced on the beta dole; paying their bar tab with the ***** pass. And the women who drink and make out, doing everything short of sex with men all evening, and then go to his apartment at 2:00 a.m.. Sometimes both of these women end up being the “victims” of rape.

But are these women asking to get raped?

In the most severe and emphatic terms possible the answer is NO, THEY ARE NOT ASKING TO GET RAPED.

They are freaking begging for it.

Damn near demanding it.

And all the outraged PC demands to get huffy and point out how nothing justifies or excuses rape won’t change the fact that there are a lot of women who get pummeled and pumped because they are stupid (and often arrogant) enough to walk though life with the equivalent of a I’M A STUPID, CONNIVING ***** – PLEASE RAPE ME neon sign glowing above their empty little narcissistic heads.

In my opinion their “plight” from being raped should draw about as much sympathy as a man who loses a wallet full of cash after leaving it laying around
a bus station unattended."

"I challenge any man reading this to ask himself in a conscious review of his own experience relating to violence if this is not the truth of your own experience. Do you remember your sister driving you to the point of pummelling her when you were a kid? Running off to one of your parents to tell them you had hit her? In retrospect given the age and the circumstance I should have kicked the ever loving **** out of her, maybe it would have civilized her.
There’s really no ******* mystery about it. Any dimwitted, double breasted feminist sucking drama queen that tells you different is attempting to incite it. Let’s face it guys if it was about size or domination, or patriarchy or anything other than power, wouldn’t we be kicking the **** out of women on a daily basis in the streets? The only reason men don’t randomly pound the **** out of women who can’t keep their mouths shut, is because they don’t mean anything to us and they have no power over or in our lives. They are not worth the trouble! That’s the only reason there isn’t bodies strewn all over the streets.

If anyone anywhere wants to really stop the violence all they have to do is understand that women are not worth it. They’re overvalued. They are not worth fighting with and they are not worth fighting for.

It’s not complex; once you put their value into perspective it’s obvious what causes violence. They do, they over sell themselves and we buy it. The less power a woman has in your life the less likely that violence will occur. That’s why you don’t pound the **** out of Jane Doe at work; she doesn’t mean anything to you. Not because she doesn’t deserve it, it’s because she isn’t worth it! Same reason you didn’t take a bat to the last ******* you crossed paths with, he wasn’t worth it either.

It’s a golden rule and in the long run you will suffer the most from breaking it. There is no pair of **** walking on this planet worth the degradation you will suffer as a result. Additionally if you think for a moment that a woman assaulting a man or even killing him will ever be viewed as unacceptable, my name is Jimmy Jones and I got a cup of kool-aid for you. If you can’t understand by now that violence against men is a reason for women to celebrate then you’re just a dumb ****. Give up your chivalry and your white knight outlooks. Women are ******* animals just like the rest. It is what it is, the nature of the beast. So stop trying to convince yourself otherwise.

Every loathsome characteristic of any species on this planet is possessed by women, it’s nature’s way. For anyone reading this that might think I’m being somewhat callous here, all I can say is what’s your point? It’s just words, nobodies getting hurt right? The real reasons that violence is a man’s issue is because in the long run you will suffer more for it than anyone else. Women are not worth the effort or the energy. They are not ******* worth it.


This is the point that all the male feminists are not telling you, because by being the hero they are just selling you out to make themselves look like heroes. They hope you will play along and carp about statistics and equality and fairness; to prove their self-righteousness.

**** that.

The answer is simple. Your life is worth more than this bullshit carousel. You have to accept that the other sex is just dickless men that you are either willing or not willing to ****- end of story. Give them all the power they lust for, but never power over you, and walk away. They want the argument, don’t give it to them. Just walk away. Don’t let them bait you, they are not worth it! Ever! . . .

And buddy you will be screwed! Most guys can’t wrap their heads around this, but here’s the news…….women don’t exist. They don’t matter anymore and they are not your responsibility.

There is laws and government to take care of them, not you. You need to be concerned about three things in your life, YOU first then your children if you have any, and the law – how to keep those ****** out of your life."

After reading what Paul Elam wrote above about rape I began to seriously wonder if he raped a woman who flirted with him and rather than accepting he did a horrible thing to a woman instead he has tried to justify and excuse it by convincing himself, possibly the woman he raped, and others that she "asked", was "freaking begging", or  "damn near demanding it".  This is something I have seen immature, obnoxious, irresponsible, and mean people regularly do.  They try to convince themselves and others that they did nothing wrong and were perfectly justified in behaving in the horrific way that they did.

MRA's and anti-feminists regularly criticize extreme, radical, feminists for allegedly writing similar male bashing things while they think that writing that kind of clearly hateful, violent, misogynistic type of thing about women is perfectly acceptable. I think that both men and women who write these kinds of things are the extremists and clearly have severe issues with the opposite sex.  And the MRA's and anti-feminists who write these kinds of things seem incapable of comprehending what hypocrisy is.

Instead of thinking they know better than everyone else, and everyone else should think like they do and do what they suggest, I think they should try to get some psychological help so they can try to get over their issues and as a result dump the mean, hateful bias, accept reality, and live a happier, more positive life.

I also really wish that the anti-feminist MRAs on here who claim they aren't misogynists would stop reading, accepting, believing, applauding, and quoting the false, venomous, hateful garbage those AVfM, and other men write, because it just makes them look bad.

Feminists like me who are the majority, and who aren't misandrists, don't read, accept, believe, applaud, and sometimes quote the things that radical extreme man-hating feminists write.  MRAs who aren't misogynists and don't agree with the woman-hating posts written above should learn to do the same and steer clear of those extreme MRA websites.  They should instead promote and focus their attention on the websties that
actually engage in and encourage activities to help men who are suffering from unjust and unfair treatment, instead giving all of their time and attention to, and quoting the ones that  just primarly post articles that *****, complain, whine, ridicule, and continuously spew hatred toward women and feminists.

The men who think, write, and behave this way really should grow up and put on their big boy panties and stop acting like obnoxious little 10 year old boys.  They should realize how awful it makes them look and how it causes many people to turn their backs on them and ignore their views and beliefs.    

Source: Experience Project

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